Selasa, 04 Februari 2014


Hai para bloggers dan readers yang setia dengan blog ane. Ada yang beda nih sama postingan ane. Postingan kali ini ane mau ngasih contoh schedule. Schedule yang artinya jadwal ini adalah teks yang berisi kegiatan kegiatan yang mesti atau biasanya dilakukan. Nah ini dia contoh schedulenya.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, friends. I want to tell you about my activities every Sunday

Every Sunday, I usually get up at 5 a.m. After that, I go to the bathroom for ablutions for pray. After the pray is finished, then I take bath. At 7 a.m, I usually have breakfast or watch tv. But sometimes, I sweep and mop the floor. If there is any homework, I do it about 10 a.m until my heart's content. Even as difficult homework it is, I can do the homework until afternoon. When I've been bored with the homework, I will sleep and usually sleep at 2 p.m. The length of my nap about 2 hours until 3 hours. After I woke up from a nap around 4 p.m, I take a bath and pray Ashar. I usuallya sweep the home again at 5 p.m. At 7 p.m, I started back my pending homework and other homeworks are reminded by my friends. At 10 p.m, I prepare the books in accordance with the schedule on Monday and go sleep. But, when the homework very much, I sleep around 11 p.m.

Ok, that's all about my activities every Sunday. Thanks for your attention
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Itu dia contoh schedule yang ane buat. Ya, maaf aja kalo bahasanya masih amburadul soalnya ane masih dalam tahap belajar. Oke, sekian dan terima kasih


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